The team.

Andrew Knight, founder

Andrew grew up living minutes from Pony Pasture and has spent over 15 years wading through the James for smallies. Andrew learned how to fish for smallmouth by casting green Yamamotos all summer long but discovered fly fishing while in school at Virginia Tech. He fell in love with the sport and spent a summer and fall working as a fly fishing guide at the A Bar A Ranch in Southern Wyoming. While he favors fly fishing for most conditions, he loves all styles of fishing and still spin fishes to keep his pops happy…and because sometimes you just have to cover water quickly. Andrew’s desk job is working in public relations for the local PR agency, The Hodges Partnership.

Chris Knight, angler and ethusiast

Chris, Andrew’s father, has spent over 30 years living and fishing the James River, and while he claims it was better when he was in his 20s, he still pounds the banks of the James whenever he gets a chance. Chris often brings his youngest son Jonathan with him on his fishing adventures and is proud to have shared his love of fishing with all four of his sons. You’ll find Chris fishing a ned rig most days, and a gold spoon for the shad.

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